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Manager Mental Health Awareness

Manager Mental Health Awareness
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Based on the GMHA session, this module includes training in specific skills to develop and nurture a mentally healthy working environment whilst managing teams.  The module covers supporting employees with concerns about their own mental health and recognising behavioural changes in team members which may be due to mental ill-health.  Scenarios and role-plays give participants the opportunity to practice initiating conversations with team members to discuss these concerns.  The scenarios can be tailored for individual companies to reflect situations that may occur in their workplace or sector. 

該課題是基於 GMHA 課程,包括在管理下屬的同時, 開發和培養心理健康工作環境的特定技能培訓。 該課題涵蓋支持關注自身心理健康的員工,並能識別由於心理健康問題而發生的行為變化的團隊成員。 情景和角色扮演讓參與者有機會練習發起與團隊成員的對話以討論這些問題。 可以為各個公司量身定制這些情景,以反映其工作場所或部門可能發生的情況。