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Mental Health Toolkits

A Toolkit For Parents

It is worrying and stressful for any parent to see their child having difficulty with their mental health, and when you need information it can be hard to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve compiled this toolkit; to provide an overview of the key topics, signpost to further information from trusted sources, and share insights from parents and young
people who have been with faced mental health challenges.


對於父母來說,看到自己的孩子在心理健康方面遇到困難時都會感 到擔憂和壓力巨大。當您需要資訊時,往往不知道該從何處開始。

這就是為什麼我們編制了這個工具包;提供了關鍵主題的概述,引導您查 閱來自可靠來源的信息,並分享來自那些曾面對心理健康挑戰的父母和年 輕人的見解。


CMHA HK Parents Toolkit Panel Discussion - May 2023

November 2020: Global Thriving at Work Framework

The Global Thriving at Work Framework is a guide to help businesses develop a global mental health and wellbeing approach.

Mental health stigma remains high in many countries and it is imperative that access to mental health support is improved. Global employers have a real opportunity to make a difference, not only in tackling stigma and providing support, but also by creating a working environment where people come to work to maintain good mental health.

This guide is the first of its kind to help global businesses accelerate the pace of change and become mentally healthy workplaces.