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F2: Successful Transition to the Workplace

F2: Successful Transition to the Workplace
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New graduates face significant mental health challenges as they adjust to the demands of the workplace from managers, colleagues and themselves. Developed in partnership with a CMHA HK member, this module highlights the challenges faced by graduates as they transition to the corporate workplace and gives participants an opportunity to explore and share strategies to manage these. This interactive workshop explores the very different demands of the workplace, examines the effects of stress and how to manage these and provides an opportunity for participants to practice exercises that can support their mental health in the workplace. 

畢業生在職場上, 為了適應上級、同事和他們自己的工作需求時,面臨著重大的心理健康挑戰。 透過與 CMHA HK 成員合作開發的課程,了解畢業生如何過渡到職場工作場所時所面臨的挑戰,並讓參與者有機會探索和分享管理這些挑戰的策略。 這個互動研討會探討了工作場所的不同需求,檢查壓力的影響以及如何管理這些壓力,並為參與者提供一個練習可以支持他們在職場上的心理健康的練習的機會。